Stock prices during inflation

Stock Prices and Inflation: Prior Work. A. Review of the Literature. Bodie [1] found that in the United States during the period 1953-1972, common stocks failed to  stock prices, effect reinforced by greater economic uncertainty during high inflationary periods. Analternative explanation about the role of inflation uncertainty is  Almost every country in the world suffered their worst stock market declines as measured in real values, during a period of high inflation or hyperinflation as stocks 

So as far as inflation and the stock market goes the best “real” returns come when inflation is moderate (around 2% -3%). When inflation is higher the economy is sputtering and often when it is lower it is because of a major economic “train wreck”. Why does inflation make stock prices fall? 2 percent during the period. Inflation causes the bank rate to be 5 percent, and as a result that 10 grand is actually worth only $9,524 today The more cash or cash equivalents you hold, the worse inflation will punish you. A $100 under the mattress will only buy $96 worth of goods after a year of 4 percent inflation. Look for inflation-indexed products like the Treasury I Bonds and other products that offer a hedge against rising rates. During the first seven days of trade in 2020, the Dow Jones Industrial Average US:DJIA has gained 1.0%, the S&P 500 has advanced 1.07% and the Nasdaq Composite index US:COMP has risen 2.3%. An inflation rate of more than 20 percent is considered hyper. Although it's difficult to predict how a stock market will behave during hyperinflation, some sectors will outperform others. When inflation hits this level, savvy investors might be able to protect themselves from financial catastrophe.

29 Oct 2004 In assigning prices to stocks, efficient valuation theory says that rational investors should discount real cash flows using real interest rates or 

In June 2008, as the price of gas went above $4, Buffett said “exploding” inflation was the biggest risk to the economy. “I think inflation is really picking up,” Buffett said on CNBC. “It’s huge right now, whether it’s steel or oil,” he continued. An inflation rate of more than 20 percent is considered hyper. Although it's difficult to predict how a stock market will behave during hyperinflation, some sectors will outperform others. When inflation hits this level, savvy investors might be able to protect themselves from financial catastrophe. Inflation is defined as a sustained increase in the price of goods and services. In an inflationary environment, a gallon of milk that once cost $3 may now cost $4. Over time, inflation erodes the value of a nation’s currency. There are a variety of factors that influence inflation and arguments about its root cause. So as far as inflation and the stock market goes the best “real” returns come when inflation is moderate (around 2% -3%). When inflation is higher the economy is sputtering and often when it is lower it is because of a major economic “train wreck”. Why does inflation make stock prices fall? 2 percent during the period. Inflation causes the bank rate to be 5 percent, and as a result that 10 grand is actually worth only $9,524 today The more cash or cash equivalents you hold, the worse inflation will punish you. A $100 under the mattress will only buy $96 worth of goods after a year of 4 percent inflation. Look for inflation-indexed products like the Treasury I Bonds and other products that offer a hedge against rising rates. During the first seven days of trade in 2020, the Dow Jones Industrial Average US:DJIA has gained 1.0%, the S&P 500 has advanced 1.07% and the Nasdaq Composite index US:COMP has risen 2.3%.

stock prices, effect reinforced by greater economic uncertainty during high inflationary periods. Analternative explanation about the role of inflation uncertainty is 

Inflation tracks the rise in the price of goods and services, which in turn shrinks the money’s purchasing power. When inflation rises, people can buy fewer goods, input prices go up, and revenues and profits go down. The result is, the economy slows down. But the good news is that you can make money on the market by investing in stocks. The more cash or cash equivalents you hold, the worse inflation will punish you. A $100 under the mattress will only buy $96 worth of goods after a year of 4 percent inflation. Look for inflation-indexed products like the Treasury I Bonds and other products that offer a hedge against rising rates. Inflation negatively affects corporate profits. Stock prices are a direct reflection of corporate net earnings. Many businesses are not able to change their prices to reflect increased cost. Companies typically pass the rising cost of production to customers in several stages instead of all at once.

So lets look specifically at the correlation between stock prices and the inflation rate. If anything there might be an inverse correlation with the stock market doing better during decades when the inflation rate is below 3%. With the exceptions being the 1930’s when there was outright deflation and the 2000’s.

The hypothesis argues that the tax treatment of depreciation costs and capital gains re- sults in the decrease in stock prices during inflationary periods. Thus,  a. Inflation: During periods of inflation, stock prices increase; because the investor tries to protect his savings against inflation by increasing investment in the 

One puzzle left to be answered is if the sharp movements in general prices ( inflationary) during these years have any linkage with the bullish/bearish capital 

stock prices, effect reinforced by greater economic uncertainty during high inflationary periods. Analternative explanation about the role of inflation uncertainty is 

Since all are likely to rise in price with inflation, they're likely to perform better than other equity sectors. The analysis focuses on the inflation information contained in stock returns, and does not address the issue of the possible effects of equity prices on real activity. Hyperinflation is an economic condition resulting in the increase in prices at an extremely high rate. In a hyperinflation situation, prices can increase as much as 50  Osamah M. Al-Khazali. This article examines the short and long-term relationships between stock prices, inflation, and output in 21 emerging capital markets.